Environmental Policy

International Workplace Group's Environmental Policy

International Workplace Group plc group (the “Group”) is committed to conducting its business operations in an environmentally sustainable, and responsible manner. The Group’s Environmental policy supports the development of a resilient organisation that can deliver long term return on investment for its stakeholders through ethical and sustainable business practices and contributing to protection of the planet.

The Group is committed to integrating environmental factors throughout its own corporate operations and focuses on matters that are meaningful to its customers, employees and broader stakeholders. The Group has stated ambitions including:

  • Net Zero carbon emissions by 2040
  • 100% renewable electricity in all centres by 2030
  • 20% reduction in water usage per sqm by 2040

The Group operates a broad ESG programme with clear accountabilities across the organisation. This programme includes delivery of our environmental targets and ultimately enhanced outcomes for customers, employees and investors.

Key Environmental programmes:

Climate Action: The Group recognises the urgency of addressing climate change. The Group is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by maintaining carbon neutrality and setting an emissions reduction target guided by the ISO Net Zero Guidelines. The detailed transition plan includes:

  • Improving energy efficiency and reducing energy waste
  • Transitioning to renewable energy
  • Transitioning to renewable energy
  • Assessing and reducing all Supply Chain emissions (Scope 3)
  • Engaging and influencing partners and building owners to support climate action
  • Supporting carbon removal initiatives

These steps will contribute towards a carbon journey to meet the target of Net Zero by 2040.

The Group is also an official supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Group continually assesses physical and transition risks from climate change and as part of its risk assessment process develops responses to these risks where applicable. This also applies to Supply Chain risk through assessing the ESG factors related to the International Workplace Group Supply Chain.

Resource Efficiency: The Group aim to use natural resources efficiently and minimize waste generation. The Group will implement measures to conserve water, reduce paper and plastic usage, and recycle materials wherever possible. The Group seek to continuously find methods to reuse materials and products throughout its centres to reduce waste. The Group seeks to donate items at end of life where feasible to support broader social goals.

Biodiversity and Conservation: The Group will work to preserve biodiversity in areas where it operates and aims to also collaborate with stakeholders, including its supply chain, to promote conservation efforts. This includes current activity to baseline the Group’s impact on natural resources and disclose this baseline in 2025. The Group's water policy outlines our commitment to conservation and reduction of water usage.

Board Accountability: The Group has an independent and diverse Board of Directors. The Board regularly reviews and assesses the environmental performance and ensure alignment with its corporate strategy. The Board sets environmental targets and frameworks to comply with for the business, based on the business department and jurisdiction.

Stakeholder engagement: The Group engage with its stakeholders from time to time (including investors, employees and customers), to understand their expectations, concerns, and feedback related to environmental matters. Additionally, the Group will collaborate with external organisations, experts, and peers to exchange best practices, enhance transparency, and contribute to collective efforts to address global ESG challenges.

Transparency and regulation: The Group communicate its efforts, progress, and performance to its stakeholders through reports and disclosures, adhering to relevant reporting frameworks and standards.

The Group’s Annual Report and Accounts provide details regarding its environmental programme on an annual basis and provide periodic updates on the ESG section of the International Workplace Group plc website.

The Group is committed to complying with all applicable laws and will endeavour to meet all regulations and standards related to ESG matters, and will periodically review and update its ESG policy to reflect changes to the business and changes in applicable laws and regulations.

By integrating Environmental considerations into its business practices, the Group aims to create sustainable value for its stakeholders and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

This Environmental Policy was last updated 02/02/2024 and is subject to change as the business considers necessary or advisable.