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- International Workplace Group Water Policy
- Board Diversity Policy
Definition of Diversity
We define “Diversity” as achieving strength and sustainability through actively embracing and being inclusive of all aspects (visible and invisible) of what makes every individual unique including education, personalities, skill sets, experiences, communication styles, knowledge bases, social economic backgrounds, age, race, gender, religious beliefs, physical abilities and disabilities, neurocognition, ethnicity, sexual orientation and political beliefs.
Commitment to Diversity
International Workplace Group recognises that Diversity is the foundation of an inclusive, sustainable business and that the true strength of Diversity will be felt when we embrace all aspects of what makes people unique. We are an international business committed to the creation of an inclusive culture where our people reflect the diverse communities and other stakeholders which we serve and where each person is given the opportunity to meet their full potential and use their talents and abilities, experiences and skills to participate in delivering sustainable commercial opportunities.
Board Diversity
We believe that an effective Board is a diverse Board and that the best Board discussion and decision making is achieved by embracing Diversity and inclusivity at Board level. This belief applies equally to our Board Committees.
Led by our Nomination Committee Chairman we actively seek to develop and maintain a Board, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee made up of unique individuals with a diverse combination of skills, drive, beliefs, knowledge, personal attributes and experiences, which embrace all aspects of Diversity and that is reflective of our stakeholders.
The Nomination Committee Chairman leads the International Workplace Group plc Board Diversity agenda and sets measurable objectives with the aim of continuously improving Diversity.
Policy Objectives
- Maintain a level of at least 37.5% female directors on the International Workplace Group plc Board rising to 40% in the near-term;
- Appoint a female director and/or a director from a non-white ethnic group to one of the positions of Chair, Chief Executive Officer, Senior Independent Director or Chief Financial Officer in the mid-term;
- Maintain or increase the current levels of ethnic diversity on the Board, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee;
- Maintain or increase current levels of female members on the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee;
- Assist the development of a pipeline of high-calibre candidates by encouraging a broad range of senior individuals within the business to take on additional roles to gain valuable board experience;
- Consider candidates for appointment as non-executive directors from a wider international pool including those with little or no previous FTSE board experience;
- Ensure non-executive directors long-lists have at least 50% of candidates reflecting Diversity including women and candidates with different racial and ethnic backgrounds; and
- Engage executive search firms who have signed up to the November 2017 Voluntary Code of Conduct on gender diversity and best practice.
The Board considers this policy an important governance pillar, and we will report annually on Board Diversity within the Corporate Governance section of the International Workplace Group plc Annual Report. This will include:
- Reporting annually against these objectives and other initiatives taking place within the Company which promote gender and other forms of Diversity; and
- Reporting annually on the outcome of the board evaluation, the composition and structure of the Board as well as any issues and challenges the board is facing when considering the diverse make-up of the Company.